
Components with logo and color

Sign in page

We use the logo and the color for the button and the background of the sign in page.
Sign in page example of with blue color(#6196FF) and logo

Mypage of a member

We use the color for the background of the area with the email address, text button, and the tab color.

Buy(Subscribe) button

We use the color for the buy(subscribe) button.

Product card

The color of the band on the left of the product card purchased by the member changes.

Verification email

We use the color for the background and the button of a verification email.


The text color of all buttons is fixed to white. If the brightness of the brand color is too high, the text may be difficult to see, so be careful!
If you don't set logo an color, default option would be used.
Default color is black(#000000)
Default logo is blank