
Other settings


We offer several things to help you run a business.

Brand color

You can set logo and color of your website so that you can give visitors more visually unified and professional look.

How to

Upload logo file and set brand color 'Information' tab in the admin.

Where it is used

There are several components that we use your logo and color. Check this page for details.

Customize Signup Forms

You can get additional information from visitors while their signing up. For example, phone number or name.

Agreement on Cookie policy

You may want to get agreement on your cookie policy from visitors of your website. We offer cookie policy agreement component for you.
To enable this feature, just create a link to your cookie policy and paste it in the admin.

Terms of use and Privacy policy

You man want to get agreement on your website's 'Terms' and 'Privacy' policy from member before signing-in.
To enable this feature, just create a link to your terms and privacy policy and paste it in the admin.